Let it snow
Fri Aug 10 2012
I thought I'd post my javascript snow one-liner. Note that it doesn't work in firefox due to the new protection mechanisms. In Chrome it does, however you will need to type in the "javascript:" part manually because it automatically strips it off from the pasted text
Open a website
Delete the address from the address bar, replace it with "javascript:" (without the quotes)
Add this and press enter:
(function(){for(var c=[],d=Math.random,f=document.body.clientWidth-32,b=0;50>b;
c[b].c.innerHTML="*";var e=c[b].c.style;e.position="absolute";e["font-size"]=
12+12*d()+"px";e.color="rgba(255,255,255,0.75)";e["text-shadow"]="0px 0px 5px #aaa";
e.zIndex=65535;document.body.appendChild(c[b].c)}setInterval(function(){for(var a,